Tag: X1

At least the expensive Collector's Edition - you can see what it contains here - will have enough copies made. The three month delay will hopefully give DICE more time for a polished game, because Star Wars Battlefront is going to be out in November by them, and after that, Mirror's Edge Catalyst would have been too early in its original release date.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst: let’s…

Electronic Arts and DICE created two trailers focusing on action for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. Faith’s movement (as well as…
Is Bioware slowly dying?

No new Mass Effect…

If you were hoping to get your next dose of Bioware-drug this year, namely Mass Effect Andromeda, prepare to…
Those who want to combat against other players instead of demons I have good news.

DOOM: a new multiplayer…

id Software doesn’t ignore the multiplayer segment of its upcoming game. This approach should be expected by the devs…
The devs and publishers promise a gritty, visceral combat experience and an immersive FPS gameplay - we'll see about that sometime in 2017 as that is when Insurgency: Sandstorm arrives on PS4, X1 and PC.

Another military shooter inbound!

Another first-person shooter with a Middle East setting. The last time we wrote about a similar game (namely, Medal…
DiRT Rally - Don't worry, rally simulator fans: you will very likely get your annual dose in 2016. DiRT Rally is very promising even in its current state.

DiRT Rally: a dev…

We’re a little more than a month away from the release of Codemasters‘ successful rally game, DiRT Rally on…
Don't expect Borderlands 3 to be out shortly, the development is still in very early stages.

Borderlands 3 is in…

The release of last year’s Handsome Collection was intentional – 2K and Gearbox are slowly pouring more resources into…
According to Katsuhiro Harada, he will be perfectly implemented into Tekken's storyline.

UPDATE – Tekken 7:…

UPDATE: Katsuhiro Harada, the Tekken-boss talked a few words about Akuma, who is making a guest appearance jumping over…
Rockstar themselves focus more on GTA Online as well, so it's unlikely to see a story mode DLC pop up soon.

Incredible sales numbers for…

While Take-Two lost money during Q3, they weren’t in a terrible situation due to GTA leading the company forward.…
If these are all legit information, Electronic Arts will have an outstanding Star Wars game for us next year!

Rumor – Star Wars:…

On Reddit, a very detailed and informative rumor surfaced about a new Star Wars game. Electronic Arts has the…
We're waiting for the new details nevertheless. We hope that this game will be available for the PlayStation 4.

Brand new details about…

Insomniac Games has been a PlayStation-related developer for a long time. Just think of the Spyro, Ratchet & Clank,…

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