American Ultra – Aka the next generation action movie

MOVIES -Just a couple of years ago the action movie genre had such movies as Rambo, Terminator, and James Bond movies, we could go on until the end of times. These movies were made by great directors, but sadly their type of action movies are a dying. In 2015 a lot of action movies are getting released that have a different attitude towards the genre.


Besides the mindless shooting, the scenes now include a bit of humor, so that the viewer will not feel that the story is the same even under a different director. The new age director in our case is Niima Nourizadeh (Project X) decided to do some changes to the old and tired concepts of the genre.

In this movie Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart ( I CANNOT EVEN BELIEVE THIS) star as a normal couple, who are suddenly hunted by the CIA. Why? Well during the movie it is revealed that Mike Howell – played by Eisenberg – who is by the way a irritably slow thinker, who was a bunch of personality quirks (does not dare to leave his hometown of Liman) – is actually a sleeper agent who due to the constant drug use became a liability for the organization. Mike is trying to finish his comic book when the CIA heavy hitters destroy all of his quiet plans.

Our main thread is basically about liquidating Mike, however in the side story we get to see the agency’s prestige battles, which is just as much of a fun to see as the main story.

Dripped slowly

Mike who is in a drug epiphany, suddenly is rushed by memories (in a montage of fast cuts), and remembers his past, and training. Niima slowly builds up this part of the story, so for the viewer the motive of the CIA operation is only revealed around half of the movie. The story’s speed is compensated by the movie’s action scenes by the director, and with a lot of success. Those who decide to watch the movie will not be bored for a minute, as something is always happening, and when there is a tiny rest then the jokes start to fly.

Because of the constant attacks, and the need to constantly defend his love, Mike transforms from a junkie-comic book drawer to a badass guy who will defend his girlfriend to the end. Jesse on this part is great, and his acting and expressions really allow him to pull of the drugged up individual faithfully.


For the eye and the ears!

The movie’s visuals is well done by Michael Bonvillainnak, decided to show the CIA HQ as a rational, full of lights, yet cold location, while the town of Liman as a grey, depressing little hole. These are well represented in the movie, and the differences can be felt and seen.

The movie’s humor is also strengthened by the music. Sometimes during the bloody action scenes a few lighter songs are played, to contrast the visuals with the music. This is a great way to show Mike Howell’s mentality and mind, and how irrational, upside down his world really is.


The movie (it even surprises me) is really great within its own genre. It is not groundbreaking but it is a movie that manages to be a great action-comedy movie, and a really good one in that subgenre. The action scenes are fast paced and fun, the comedy is great, and has really great punch lines.
The actors led by Jesse Eisenberg are really good. Here ..(I’ll even say Bella danger) Kristen Stewart ( I cannot write this…) is really good as the damsel in distress, who is even scared of her own shadow at times.

Both of them are a bit of a joke, but thanks to American Ultra this is elevated into new heights.
The movie’s atmosphere is great fun , chaotic and sucks in the viewer from beginning to end. The action scenes being fast paces, and visually great will not let us leave the theatre feeling bored. So this movie is for all of those are getting bored of the gruff and serious action movies. Here is an example where non-action movie actors can star in a good action movie.


American Ultra

Acting - 8.2
Directing - 8.3
Story - 7.1
Style/Visuals/Music: - 7.9
Atmosphere - 8.5



The movie’s atmosphere is great fun , chaotic and sucks in the viewer from beginning to end. The action scenes being fast paces, and visually great will not let us leave the theatre feeling bored. So this movie is for all of those are getting bored of the gruff and serious action movies. Here is an example where non-action movie actors can star in a good action movie.

User Rating: 3.75 ( 1 votes)

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Kese is a young talented writer and music producer from Hungary. He loves any styles of music, and movies too. In his free-time he plays action & adventure games.

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