Micro Machines World Series – The World is Not Enough?

REVIEW – It has taken years for Codemasters to recover one of its most beloved arcade-speed sagas in its history: Micro Machines. A cool game with multiplayer fun in a full speed analysis.


Many of us grew up playing the fun 16-bit titles based on the Micro Machines franchise, which gradually lost some bellows with the arrival of new technologies until it ended up staying in the pits of Codemasters. Fortunately, and after its passage by the mobile phones, the British company wanted to recover this series and presents its new proposal, a a game that has reached PS4, Xbox One and PC … but that incomprehensibly has not made the jump to Switch, at least for the moment.

More fun with others

With Micro Machines World Series Codemasters wanted to recover the essence of the series without adding too many embellishments or techniques or gameplay elements, although it is true that in the latter case presents some interesting additions that I will comment later. Therefore we are facing a title of clear arcade approach and suitable for all types of users, who gives the best of himself when he meets several players simultaneously: the more, the better.

This way you can participate up to four users at a time in local mode and up to twelve if we decide to play online, being able to do it in different modalities and both alone and by teams. And although it is a game that can also be perfectly played solo, it is clear, that it gains a lot in its multiplayer aspect (something that has always happened in this saga), which is a characteristic that needs to be taken into consideration.

Diversity and simplicity

Micro Machines World Series presents several different modalities like Elimination, Capture the Flag, etc. (Although some of them remain blocked from the start) and two fundamental types of competitions: races and confrontations in combat arenas.

The first is the traditional ones in the series, and they have not been seen too modified in this new edition of Micro Machines. Throughout the ten circuits (a bit scarce from my point of view) we must prove that we are the best behind the wheel of a good variety of different vehicles with their qualities, a dozen, from ambulances to police cars, classics, tanks, etc. And if we have enough money, it is possible to customize the look of all of them.

The development of the races is quite funny and offers us arcade competition of the best quality. From a chopped perspective we must go through paths as curious as interesting (work tables, kitchens, etc.) and full of obstacles, from toasters to paint cans, cereals or music tapes, to mention just a few examples. Also and to add more grace to each event, it is possible to obtain various power-ups in the form of NERF weapons, the famous brand of toys, an arsenal that allows us to shred our rivals and hamper their progress.


Precisely these weapons acquire a much greater importance during the great innovation that has been introduced in this delivery of the tiny cars: the battle mode. No less than 15 different combat grains of sand await us, a number that in this case does seem to me much more plausible, locations that allow us to shoot and shoot at 11 other pilots to prove that, in addition to running, we are also given Very well everything related to destruction.

This last option can be enjoyed through several different modalities and adds layer of interest to a game that is already as simple in its approach as fun. And that is the end and the end of what is. It is not the most original or flashy game in the world, I have it more than crystal clear, but certainly, it has made me very well during the last days.

What I do not understand very well (or anything, directly) is why Codemasters has not been encouraged to design a delivery for Switch, something that I have already commented on from the beginning of this analysis. And is that as it happened with Rocket League, title that within a few months will be released on the Nintendo console, I consider that precisely this type of games (simple, ideal to play anywhere either alone or in multiplayer and that Technically do not need much power) are the best and most easily adapt to the characteristics of Switch. Codemasters has recently stated that they are “studying” the possibility, but at the moment there is nothing certain about it. Hopefully, in a while give us good news about it.

Fun, colorful, friendly

Technically in Micro Machines World Series, we have a friendly, colorful game and that offers us a collection of circuits which are quite striking, although not too generous in those dedicated to the classic competitions (races). Its textures, polygonal load, the level of detail and other elements are nothing groundbreaking, that is undeniable, but this series has never stood out to enjoy some exquisite values of production, so it was something expected and assumed.

The sound also is not that it is like to shoot rockets, but at least it is praiseworthy that the developers have bothered to locate the full title in our language. The soundtrack goes more unnoticed, while the effects are realized with more success.


It is always caused for joy the appearance of a new delivery of a classic saga disappeared as is the case of Micro Machines. A title that stays true to what have always been its most prominent signs of identity as its simplicity arcade, its commitment to the multiplayer component and its fun. It’s nothing revolutionary and misses some things like the inclusion of a wider range of career circuits or a graphic display a bit more successful. But in spite of its disadvantages, it is a very attractive game and also presents a very interesting value for money.



+ The multiplayer modes are very entertaining
+ Many different modes, including the fun battle mode
+ Good range of different and customizable vehicles


– The number of racing circuits seems somewhat limited
– Technically it does not stand out in any aspect
– Nothing really new

Publisher: Codemasters

Developer: Codemasters, Just Add Water

Genre: Car racing

Release date: June 30, 2017

Micro Machines World Series

Gameplay - 7.2
Graphics - 6.8
Maneuverability - 7.6
Audio/sounds - 6.8
Ambiance - 6.8



It is always caused for joy the appearance of a new delivery of a classic saga disappeared as is the case of Micro Machines. A title that stays true to what have always been its most prominent signs of identity as its simplicity arcade, its commitment to the multiplayer component and its fun. It’s nothing revolutionary and misses some things like the inclusion of a wider range of career circuits or a graphic display a bit more successful. But in spite of its disadvantages, it is a very attractive game and also presents a very interesting value for money.

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BadSector is a seasoned journalist for more than twenty years. He communicates in English, Hungarian and French. He worked for several gaming magazines - including the Hungarian GameStar, where he worked 8 years as editor. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our impressum)

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