Tokyo Game Show, which had over 250 thousand visitors, is over, and Square Enix decided to show more of the game (announced there) after the event.
Left Alive was one of the surprise announcement at TGS during Sony’s conference, and we liked the game and its initial information so much that we put together a preview for it. The survival action game will be set in the world of Front Mission, and three protagonists will try to survive in a city torn by war without getting killed.
Multiple known developers are working on this Square Enix project, and we need to point to Yoji Shinkawa, who previously struck gold in the Metal Gear series with character designs and artworks, and his tone seems to be present in this game as well, which is something we appreciate.
Left Alive is out in 2018 on PlayStation 4 and PC. This is a game we’d like to see more of, without a doubt.