This is why Battlefield V will have a single-player mode - theGeek.games

This is why Battlefield V will have a single-player mode

While Call of Duty that is famous for it’s single player ships with multiplayer only this year, Battlefield which is primarily known for it’s multiplayer wants to focus more on it’s single-player segment.

At EA Play the team of DualShockers interviewed Senior Producer Lars Gustavsson, who explained why the team is sticking to the single-player mode and why they are using War Stories again that debuted in Battlefield 1.

You can read Gustavsson’s answer here:

‘We were struck by the love they received for the war stories in Battlefield 1. We felt it was our opportunity to put the war into perspective. With Battlefield 1 and World War I everyone was hesitant to start with and go to that era since the preconception was “it’s only trenches, who wants to make a game about that?

I think we showed to ourselves and the world that this was a war of epic magnitude. It was all of the world, and I think the war stories allowed us to set the whole war in persepective. We take that mindset for Battlefield V, since we didn’t want to go back and redo all the World War II games that we all played already. We wanted to find new stuff that excited us.

In terms of the other developers, of course we’re gamers, we play other games, we follow trends in the industry, but this is something that is super strong for us  and that we’re really passionate about. When at the races you’re looking at the other lanes, that’s best way of stumbling and getting unfocused.’

We also learned that in Battlefield V each War Story will be separately themed again, similarly to Battlefield 1.

Battlefield V‘s release in not too far way, the game will release this year on October 19th on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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