Is Alan Wake 2 coming?

After 8 years of waiting for the sequel, finally one of the developers shared some info about it.

Alan Wake was released in 2010 and it garnered praise from critics and gamers alike. It didn’t sell that well, however. The game got some DLC along with a spin-off game (American’s Nightmare), but fans are waiting for a true sequel for nearly a decade. Now at E3 2018 the team of DualShockers interviewed a member of Remedy Entertainment (developer studio), Mikael Kasurinen.

While Remedy is heavily focusing on their brand new game, Control – which is their next third-person action game after Quantum Break – obviously they were asked about Alan Wake‘s future as well. Here’s what Kasurinen said:

“So we own the Alan Wake IP, yes. I just want to say right away that it’s very dear to us and close to our hearts. We all love Alan Wake at Remedy and I think all of us want to see a new Alan Wake game. I just want to say that out loud. Unfortunately, I can’t speak to it anymore than that. We’ll see what happens with Alan Wake next but we all want to see it happen, absolutely.”

It’s hard to decide if it’s just some marketing-bullshit or the team really wants to make a sequel – perhaps they are even working on right now. Anyway, Remedy right now focuses on Control, which will be released next year on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.


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