[GC2018] 21 games are coming with Nvida RTX support, here are some demos - theGeek.games

[GC2018] 21 games are coming with Nvida RTX support, here are some demos

Nvidia announced their new series of cards yesterday that is called GeForce RTX and as it similarly to expectations, the company mainly talked about the real-time ray tracing during their presentation.

Ray tracing is a graphical procedure that makes it possible to realistically lit environments and simulates reflections, very computational-heavy, however, it can provide a similar jump in visual fidelity as physically based rendering – a technique that developers started to implement to their games in this console generation.

With the announcement of the RTX-capable cards, Nvidia also revealed the games that will support the mentioned technology in the near future – of course after that more and more game will support RTX because slowly the gaming industry will more than likely adapt to it.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider – which is going to release soon is one of the big games that will support Nvidia RTX, along with Metro: Exodus, Battlefield V and Remedy’s next game, Control. All of these games received a trailer that primarily focuses on PC specific features – including ray tracing.

Source: PCGamer

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