Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: LotFB – Hunted – Another Cult Bites the Dust! - theGeek.games

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: LotFB – Hunted – Another Cult Bites the Dust!

REVIEW –  Well after nearly putting 100 hours into the main game for Odyssey, it seems that Ubisoft is not letting up with content for the game. Ubisoft has announced that this will be a DLC Trilogy, and the first episode was released on the 4th of December, just two months after release. After a couple of weeks of free challenges to tide over users, the first paid story DLC is here, and the title is a mouthful Legacy of the First Blade – Hunted.


The story deals with Darius, the first assassin referenced in Assassin’s Creed 2 in with just a statue, and him being one of the very first assassins. In Legacy of the First Blade, we get to meet Darius and as Alexios or Kassandra aid him in his efforts to go against another secret cult.


The story of Hunted is pretty simple, Persians the old enemies of Ancient Greece have decided to visit Makedonia to hunt down the Eagle Bearer aka the player. It starts out with a simple village raid, that promises to be an epic mystery, but it immediately fizzles out when it turns out that in the Assassin’s Creed universe every country has its own secret shady order that controls the ruler. It makes the entire experience a bit cheapened, and a bit disappointing in the long run.

There is even a new submenu, for the second cult called The Order of Ancients, and you do basically what you did with The Cult of Kosmos, just hunt them down. They do give a story justification how the two cults do not meet, but in my playthrough, the order was already dead so kinda awkward.

The new characters barely get any screen time, sure Darius is there for the cutscenes, but other than that and one boss fight him, and his daughter are pretty much non-existent in the storyline. While the story and the length of the DLC were stated around 5-6 hours with cutscenes, it felt along the lines of 2-3 hours in total.

The game also takes place in Makedonia, so there is no „new” location in a way. Except some old locations got updated, a bloody tree here, a burned down village there. So sadly for those who were expecting of maybe going to Persia are going to be a bit disappointed. That does not mean that the sidequests and the main story are not fun, but too much of it is cliched. The voice acting is superb, and even a few interesting ideas crop out from all this averageness but never reach their full potential. The DLC also added an extra skill which is so overpowered that makes the game even easier.

To be continued…

The first story DLC for Odyssey is not bad, but also feels a tiny bit bare bones,  not as good as The Old Hunters from Bloodborne, but not as insultingly bad as Wolfenstein 2’s DLC episode. A fun experience, but feels a bit meh in the end.



+ New storyline and fun charaters
+ A brand new skill to use
+ Great new villain


– Story is short with cliches
– No new locations
– Rehashed ideas aka another cult

Publisher: Ubisoft

Developer: Ubisoft Quebec

Genre: Action Role-Playing

Release date: December 4, 2018

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: LotFB – Hunted

Gameplay - 7.6
Graphics - 7.9
Story - 4.5
Zene/Audio - 7.8
Hangulat - 6.3



Hunted is the first out of the trilogy, an okay introduction to a bigger plot, but it is a plot that we saw hundreds of times, and in the main game also. Hopefully, the next two episodes are better than just average.

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Bence is a Senior Staff Writer for our site. He is an avid gamer, that enjoys all genres, from Indie to AAA games. He mostly plays on the PS4 or on the laptop (since some indies get a preview build there faster). Loves obscure Japanese games that no one else dares to review on this site.

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