Days Gone creators recruit new developers for their upcoming

Days Gone creators recruit new developers for their upcoming triple A on PlayStation

Bend Studio is looking for new developers for its next big production after Days Gone. For PS5?

It was known that Bend Studio , the creators of Days Gone, were already working on a new video game after the development of their last title on PS4, but it has been in recent days thanks to a new job offer that has helped us to know by where the shots will go with your next production. They are looking for artists capable of creating ” cinematic quality facial expressions ” and a senior audio programmer to work on 3D audio, the most interesting clue in the company’s talent search.

The function, although present on PS4, has been highlighted for PS5 in the latest news from the new generation of Sony, which has raised suspicions about the hypothetical premiere of the next game on the new Japanese console. Something that, naturally, could seem obvious, but that would clash with what was said in June 2019 , in which the new video game was placed on PlayStation 4 with the aim of literally ” making a triple A that will differentiate PS4 from the rest ” .

What will Bend Studio develop for PlayStation? From the team the door to Days Gone 2 is not closed , although there is still no informal confirmation regarding the new team project. It will remain to know the new movements of the main studios of Sony Worldwide Studios in the coming months to know the new steps of firms such as Bend Studio or Insomniac Games, with which everyone dreams of a Spider-Man encore on PS5.

Source: Gaming Bolt

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