Venom 2 Age Rating Hit Hard by the National Film Board in Hungary - theGeek.games

Venom 2 Age Rating Hit Hard by the National Film Board in Hungary

MOVIE NEWS – Marvel’s comic book anti-hero Venom’s latest adventure in Hungary has been given a shocking age rating by the National Film Board! While in most countries of the world, Venom 2 – The Incredibles is aimed at 12-13-year-olds, in Hungary, the film is only recommended for 18-year-olds!


The National Film Office has slammed Venom 2 – The Blood Slayer with a stinging iron fist after the film was given one of the strictest age ratings in Hungary: it is not recommended for anyone under 18. But don’t be alarmed: anyone can still see it in cinemas, as this rating is only a recommendation that must be included on the film’s promotional material such as posters, pictures or trailers – and of course, this warning must be displayed in cinemas before screenings. However, operators cannot prohibit minors from seeing a film about a superhero – or anti-hero. The situation is a little more difficult for broadcasters, which can only show programmes with an 18 ring between 10 pm and 5 am.

It’s not a tragedy that Venom 2 was given such a strict rating by the National Film Board, which is responsible for age ratings; it’s just somewhat incomprehensible. Oddly enough, the film is getting acid from some fans in America precisely because the filmmakers were quite clearly cautious and cut back on the violence and profanity to get a more lenient PG-13 age rating. The movie is bloodless, more cartoonish in terms of violence, and they don’t even pronounce the four-letter English word f*** – thus reaching a wider audience. If Venom 2 had an R-rated rating like Suicide Squad, then the 18 hoop here, which was last awarded to that film, would be understandable.

The film’s distributor could not comment on the matter either, as they don’t know the answer or the reasoning behind the decision. Only the verdict has been received, no justification. You can check the former here, by the way, here

Rumours are circulating, by the way, that it is not the intense but bloodless violence. Still, the inadvertent homosexual references may have led to the film being given this classification in our country – in the interests of protecting minors, which has recently been the subject of a new amendment to the law. So one can take the guesses that, for example, Cletus Kasady, played by Woody Harrelson, might have ambisexual manifestations, or even that Venom himself might be revealed to be gay. As the film’s press screening is next week, we don’t know yet. Whatever the reason for Venom 2, an interesting question is whether we can expect something like this to happen with The Eternals, in which one of the superheroes is openly gay? We’ll find out shortly.

What are your guesses, by the way? Let us know in the comments!

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