Legendary Film Director John Carpenter Says Halo Infinite Is The Best In The Series

The comment prompted the founder of Halo Infinite developer 343 Industries, and even Elon Musk, to respond to the director of Halloween and The Thing.



Developing Halo Infinite wasn’t easy, but fortunately, the end result was an unmissable shooter. So much so that even Marcus Lehto, co-creator of the franchise, congratulated 343 Industries for “bringing back the magic of the series”. However, this time, it was a person from outside the industry who didn’t hesitate to praise Halo Infinite: the legendary director of Halloween and The Thing, John Carpenter.

It’s not the first time the filmmaker has shared his love of video games. Carpenter describes Guerrilla Games’ Horizon: Zero Dawn title as a “visually stunning” video game with “very addictive gameplay”. He also admitted that he would love to play Destiny 2, among other games.

“Immense beautiful production design” – John Carpenter

Carpenter has played with Halo Infinite and seems to have loved it. The director shared his thoughts on his Twitter profile, calling it a fun shooter with a beautiful production design. He liked it so much that he ranked it as the best Halo in the series, which is a big word considering the excellent references in the Master Chief franchise.

343 Industries founder and CEO Bonnie Ross expressed her surprise at his cinematic statements, thanking him for his time in the world of Halo Infinite and taking the opportunity to wish him an early birthday. Elon Musk, who also admitted to enjoying the campaign, was optimistic about the game himself. 343 Industries is very pleased with the release of Halo Infinite, although they promise to listen to the community in the future to ensure the success of the development.

Source: Twitter

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