Assassin's Creed Was To Close Its Original Story With Spaceship Journey - theGeek.games

Assassin’s Creed Was To Close Its Original Story With Spaceship Journey

The original creator of Assassin’s Creed wanted to end the Desmond trilogy in a spectacular way



The Assassin’s Creed series has always combined the exploration of historical time periods with modern technology and plots, but now we’re learning that the original plan for the Assassin’s Creed trilogy almost took that concept to a whole new level.

As reported by Eurogamer, details of the franchise’s original ending were released by a student at a Belgian research university. In a paper examining developer Ubisoft’s use of religion, PhD student Lars de Wildt of KU Leuven wrote that modern-day characters Desmond Miles and Lucy Stillman would escape Earth in a spaceship and set off to start human civilisation elsewhere. Wildt described this plan, saying it was put together based on interviews de Wildt had with Assassin’s Creed creator Patrice Désilets and Assassin’s Creed 3 creative director Alex Hutchinson.

“Briefly put, the third game would end with a resolution of the conflict in the present day, with Desmond Miles – voiced by [Nolan] North – taking down Abstergo using the combined knowledge and skills of all his ancestors, including AC1’s Altair and AC2’s Ezio. Also, it is the end of the world in 2012, and Desmond Miles and Lucy are starting a new civilisation somewhere else – as Adam and Eve.”

When Wildt asked Désilets where they were going, Désilets said, “Boom! It’s a fucking spaceship!”

The actual trilogy ended very differently from this plan. Instead of focusing heavily on modern-day Miles, the game starred Ratonhnhaké:ton, also known as Connor Kenway, an assassin during the Revolutionary War era of the United States. The modern story still focused on Desmond dealing with the end of the world, but the results were quite different.

The character of Lucy was no longer present in Assassin’s Creed 3, having been killed earlier in the series. And, despite the conclusion of Desmond’s story, Abstergo would continue to appear in future Assassin’s Creed games. And, of course, the trilogy did not end with any of the main characters on a spaceship.

While space remains an option for the series to this day, the franchise is not afraid to get supernatural. The upcoming Assassin’s Creed Valhalla expansion turns players into Odin and sends them through the realm of Norse mythology.

Source: news

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