Concept Art Reveal What Ben Affleck’s Updated Bat Suit Would Have Looked Like In Cancelled Batman Solo Movie

MOVIE NEWS – Keith Christensen’s newly published concept artwork shows the caped and hooded physique of Ben Affleck’s Batman in an awe-inspiring way.



The newly released concept sketches give us the best look yet at what Ben Affleck would have looked like if his solo Batman had been realised. Unveiled by Keith Christensen via Instagram, the artwork shows a full body shot of the proposed Bat-suit from the front and back. According to the artist, it’s “a uniform, modular, functional suit designed from ballistic materials”, and in a caption alongside the images, he confirmed that the suit was “created when Ben A was directing and starring in #thebatman”.

The newly released pictures clearly show Ben Affleck’s prominent chin under the headgear…

…so, these freshly released images indeed continue the call from Batman fans asking Warner Bros. to prop up the actor’s solo film alongside the recently released The Batman starring Robert Pattinson.

Ben Affleck was originally slated to reprise his role as the elderly Bruce Wayne in 2016’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, in which he reprises his portrayal of the Dark Knight. Appearing again as a DC character in Justice League (and the Zack Snyder-directed Justice League), Affleck was set to direct a solo Batman movie starring Deathstroke played by Joe Manganiello. Affleck eventually backed out of the project, paving the way for director Matt Reeves to reboot the character and create a franchise independent of the DC Universe.

While many details surrounding Ben Affleck’s Batman movie remain unknown, Batman director Matt Reeves recently revealed some details, describing the script as “James Bond-ian.”

“I just knew that when I read it this particular script was not the way I’d want to do it,” Reeves began. “I said look, I think maybe I’m not the person for this. And I explained to them why I love this character. I told them that there have been so many great movies, but if I were to do this, I’d have to make it personal, so that I understood what I was going to do with it, so that I know where to put the camera, so that I know what to tell the actors, so that I know what the story should be. This take, I told them, pointing at the script, is a totally valid and exciting take. It is almost James Bond-ian, but it wasn’t something that I quite related to.”

Luckily for Batfleck fans, we’ll see more of the hooded crusader with him. The actor will reprise the role – perhaps for the last time – in DC’s upcoming The Flash, also seeing Michael Keaton reprise the beloved character. The Flash is scheduled to be released in the US on 23 June 2023, following a recent postponement.

Source: Instagram

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