Jurassic World: Domination - Eating People is Not the Biggest Problem With Dinosaurs - theGeek.games

Jurassic World: Domination – Eating People is Not the Biggest Problem With Dinosaurs

MOVIE NEWS – There seems to be a serious message in Jurassic World: Domination that won’t be the last piece in the dinosaur series.


The lesson of the new film is obviously that you shouldn’t have fun with nature, especially for non-business purposes – that is, furnishing an amusement park with primates – but it will be based on preliminary and leaked information. here’s something else. The Jurassic films are mostly about, as one critic puts it bluntly, “people run away screaming from dinosaurs,” but Domination goes beyond that: to say, resurrected primitives eat everyone, much more worryingly, an ecosystem 65 million years ago will be liberated into the modern world, with unpredictable consequences. In the new preview, the character Bryce Dallas Howard says, “Humans and dinosaurs can’t live together. We have created an ecological disaster. ” If this topic is further elaborated in the film, we will not only see a popcorn movie in the multiplex.

It is very likely that Domination will not end the dinosaur series, which has brought more than $ 5 billion to the kitchen so far. The problem is that so far all the parts have been about getting rid of the primates and everything is on top of their heads, so it wouldn’t hurt to go beyond that in the seventh production unless they want to make a parody, industry experts point out. It’s still the music of the future, of course, but it’s a good idea that a good few are already breaking their heads in Hollywood.

(Jurassic World: Dominion – domestic presentation: June 9, 2022 .)

Jurassic World Dominion - Official Trailer [HD]

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