PS5 DualSense Is Chosen By BAFTA Awards As The Best Controller Ever! - theGeek.games

PS5 DualSense Is Chosen By BAFTA Awards As The Best Controller Ever!

TECH NEWS – PS5 DualSense won the public voting for the BEST CONTROLLER EVER TOURNAMENT of BAFTA Games.


The British Academy Games Awards winners, known as the BAFTA Awards, will be announced in just over a week. A live event on 7 April will reveal the winners from the nominees we already know about, but some extra awards have already been handed out.

We’re talking about the Controller Award awarded following the results of a survey aimed at resolving a competition that the organisation set up on social media. After a hard-fought battle, the PlayStation 5’s DualSense won the BAFTA Audience Choice Award for the best controller ever.



The tournament held via the official Twitter account left a final table with several outstanding protagonists from all kinds of historical video game platforms. Super Nintendo, SEGA Mega Drive and Xbox controllers were contested, but the final competition was between two from the PlayStation family: Sony’s next-generation controller and the PS2’s DualShock 2.

As we mentioned initially, to know the prizes awarded directly by the academy, we will have to wait until 7 April, when prizes will not be awarded to the controllers but the games and developers. Concerning the PS5 DualSense, the latest news has to do with new models in different colours that surprisingly hide small improvements in their construction materials.

Source: PlayStation Lifestyle

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