Spider-Man: No Way Home's Biggest Fan Has Set A World Record! - theGeek.games

Spider-Man: No Way Home’s Biggest Fan Has Set A World Record!

MOVIE NEWS – Florida’s Ramiro Alanis has set a record for the most “most cinema productions attended of the same film”: 292 times for Spider-Man: No Way Home!



Ramiro Alanis could be the biggest fan of Spider-Man: No Way Home. Guinness World Records has just announced that the Florida man has officially set a new world record for the most times a person has watched a movie production. Between December 16, 2021, the film’s release date, and March 15, 2022, Alanis watched Spider-Man: No Way Home an astonishing 292 times.

Bearing in mind that this is a relatively long film, that makes a total of 720 hours, or 30 days, watching the same movie.

And this is the second time Alanis has set this record. Previously, in 2019, he watched Avengers: Endgame 191 times, beating the previous record set by Australian Joanne Connor, who watched Bohemian Rhapsody 108 times, also in 2019. Last year, Frenchman Arnaud Klein broke Alanis’ record by watching Kaamelott: Premier volet 204 times. With his latest big-screen adventure, Spider-Man, Alanis was determined to get his record back.

Alanis felt inspired to re-set the record in honour of her grandmother Juany, who was her granddaughter’s “number one supporter”.

The grandmother passed away in 2019 before Alanis officially claimed the Endgame record title. Setting the world record again meant watching screenings back-to-back for three months until the screenings stopped; in the first few weeks, he watched the film up to five times a day. According to him, the most challenging part was the late-night viewings, which gave her a headache after watching the movie so many times that day.

In order for each screening to count towards the total, the film has to be watched from start to finish – right up until the credits roll. It also has to be done “independently of all other activities”, which means Alanis couldn’t take a bathroom break or even look at his phone. Alanis was required to submit each ticket stub, as well as statements from the theatre attendants for each viewing, proving that Alanis watched the movie without napping or taking a break.

Alanis says that he was literally reciting the dialogue along with the film by the last screenings and estimates that she spent around $3,400 on tickets. After watching the movie nearly 300 times, he noted that her favourite part is “Andrew Garfield and his redemptive arc.” The Marvel fan also cautions anyone else who might be thinking of breaking the new record.

“If anybody tries to break my record again, I want them to think twice before they do it,” he said.

The thousands of dollars spent by Ramiro Alanis were just a tiny part of the enormous amount of money that Spider-Man: No Way Home. The movie was by far the highest-grossing film of the pandemic era, grossing more than $1.8 billion worldwide. Fans everywhere were excited to see the three generations of Spider-Man come together for a thrilling adventure, reuniting Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield.

Source: Guinness World Records

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