Resident Evil Village: Shadows of Rose: Why Is It Good To Be Released As A DLC?

Since Shadows of Rose is a DLC and not the plot of Resident Evil 9, there have been some exciting speculations about its role in the story’s conclusion.



Releasing the weekend before Halloween, Resident Evil Village: Gold Edition could be a rare treat for fans. The game has been given a third-person mode; Resident Evil Village Mercenaries mode adds characters and maps, and Rosemary Winters becomes playable in her own narrative-based DLC expansion, Shadows of Rose.

Few details are known about the Shadows of Rose DLC at this time.

Players will experience Rose’s supernatural abilities in a strange, mirrored landscape that apparently returns to Dimitrescu Castle. One thing is already sure, and that is that Shadows of Rose will conclude the Winters family storyline in the Resident Evil franchise. This is exciting because the door is open for Resident Evil to go in any direction with the ninth instalment, and there may not be any implications for the DLC in that regard.


Shadows of Rose can strictly only be the conclusion to the Resident Evil Winters family


Resident Evil Village will bring the story of Ethan Winters to a close. After experiencing the horrors of the Baker Colony with Ethan in Resident Evil 7, fans were delighted to see the franchise bring his story to an empathetic close by rescuing and protecting his daughter.

As that story ended with Resident Evil Village, fans may worry that the series could return to an emphasis on action rather than survival horror. The franchise may create another fresh-faced protagonist with an exciting story of his own, but it could be a while before such details are announced.





In the meantime, Shadows of Rose will likely use all the iconography Capcom has created for Resident Evil Village, somewhat as a final homage.

Since this DLC will conclude the Winters narrative, it is expected that the DLC will have a clear ending and will not make any suggestions as to where the franchise can go next.

Shadows of Rose seems like a relatively low risk for a narrative-based DLC, at least in terms of keeping fan expectations in check. The ending of Resident Evil Village ended with a couple of exciting narrative cliffhangers: one is Chris Redfield’s decision to infiltrate the BSAA’s European headquarters, and the other is a flashback to Rose’s teenage years.


Could Shadows of Rose be missing any of the franchise’s legacy characters?


Following Capcom’s decision to make Rose’s cliffhanger the narrative DLC for Resident Evil Village, it’s now expected that Chris will be the playable protagonist in Resident Evil 9. Either way, Shadows of Rose shouldn’t feature any legacy characters except Rose and maybe her mother, Mia.

Being set so far in the future, Capcom would have to make definitive decisions about any legacy characters set at least a decade and a half later, such as whether or not Chris is still alive. The answers to these questions are not forthcoming, and if any of the legacy characters are addressed, it will be narratively unsatisfying. For example, players do not want to know if Chris is still alive because that would take all the stakes out of his next outing.

The same applies to any other legacy character, such as Leon, Jill or Claire.

Therefore, it was wise to make Shadows of Rose a standalone DLC entry rather than a full-fledged sequel because it could archive the Winters family story without significantly affecting other stories in the Resident Evil franchise. It is more likely that the franchise will move on from today’s events, meaning that the DLC will be a standalone spin-off that is unlikely to be related to anything else relevant to Resident Evil.


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