Doom Eternal Scandal: Fans Demand “Justice For Mick Gordon”

Mick Gordon claims that the director of Id Software wrongly blamed him for the unsuccessful soundtrack of Doom Eternal.



The Doom community has begun to demand justice for composer Mick Gordon after he claimed this week that Id Software’s studio director falsely accused him of being responsible for the failure of the official soundtrack for Doom Eternal.

As we reported, Gordon wrote a 14,000-word statement on Wednesday. In it, he said he was “exercising [his] right to defend [himself]” against a lengthy Reddit post from 2020. In the post, Id Software studio head Marty Stratton blamed him for the poor quality of the soundtrack.

In his original statement, Stratton claimed that Gordon delayed the soundtrack and underperformed, forcing Id to hire the game’s lead audio designer to create the rest of the tracks.

Gordon, however, denied this and, among several other allegations, accused Stratton of not only lying about the situation but offering him a six-figure sum to keep quiet about it.

Following the statement, fans expressed their disappointment on the r/Doom subreddit. They find Gordon’s alleged treatment unacceptable. They, therefore, demanded appropriate compensation for the composer.

On several separate Reddit threads, the caption “Justice For Mick”, which has received thousands of upvotes, appears at the top of the page.

Another thread, which received more than 3,000 votes, calls for Gordon to be sent the awards he received for his Doom music. Gordon claims to have “only seen them once” because they are locked away in his office at Id Software.

Gordon said in a statement, “I was invited to perform at the Game Awards, but other than that, Id Software never invited me to collect awards in person. Marty invited himself to collect the awards on my behalf instead.”

“It would mean a lot to have a memento of all the hard work I poured into the DOOM franchise, but as it currently stands, I doubt I’ll ever see those awards again,” he added.

Another thread, which received more than 1,500 upvotes, demanded Stratton “better come out and tell us the truth”, saying, “What I have read today from Mick Gordon is terrifying, and they better make a statement explaining the truth otherwise, we, the fans are going to lose all the trust in this company”.

At the time of writing, neither Stratton nor Id Software have officially responded to Gordon’s claims.

Source: Reddit (1, 2, 3)

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