Far Cry 6: Lost Between Worlds – DLC’s Got New Trailer & Release Date! [VIDEO]

Ubisoft has revealed the long-awaited Lost Between Worlds expansion for Far Cry 6 and its upcoming release date. Plus, it might not be too expensive.



Ubisoft has finally revealed the highly anticipated Far Cry 6: Lost Between Worlds expansion! What’s more, the release date and the expected price were also announced. Lost Between Worlds seems to continue the experimental trend of Far Cry. Dani Rojas’ new sci-fi adventure is a sharp departure from the mundane tone and story of the base game. DLCs featuring previous villains in the series have attracted mixed reviews, so hopefully, Lost Between Worlds will improve the game’s reputation.

Lost Between Worlds has been rumoured by Ubisoft on social media for the past week. Initially, gamers were worried that the add-on would only be available as part of the very expensive Far Cry 6: Game of the Year Edition for $199.99. This was inferred from a leak to the Xbox database in September. Fortunately, however, gamers can get Lost Between Worlds on their own at a very reasonable price.

Far Cry 6: Lost Between Worlds will be released on December 6 for consoles and PC and will start at $19.99.

Dani travels through dimensional rifts on a broken and distorted Yara in the trailer. Each of these has its own rules and physical laws. Dani seems to get some help along the way from an alien companion. The character looks a lot like The Ghosts from Destiny.

In each dimensional rift, there are crystal-like enemies that seem to be linked to the elements. Dani’s weapon changes colour depending on which enemy type he’s facing, so this could be a primary gameplay mechanic. Ubisoft has hinted that the new expansion will expand the story of Far Cry 6. It also introduces new enemies, gameplay challenges, and “life and death trials”.

A pleasant surprise is that players will be able to get a taste of Lost Between Worlds within days.

If Ubisoft had decided what many people thought it would, it would have gone down in history as perhaps one of the worst development moves in recent years. No word is yet on whether this new addition will be a completely standalone title. However, the sci-fi influence in this expansion could hint at where Ubisoft is planning to take the franchise next.

Source: YouTube

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