Diablo IV: This Villain Alone Is Responsible For 2% Of All Player Deaths So Far!

No one who has ever tried Diablo IV is safe from this monster…



Put your hand up if the Butcher has slaughtered you in Diablo IV! Well, it looks like millions of us have, according to a recent infographic from Blizzard.

In the first week after Diablo IV’s release (including early access), 5.8 million players were ripped apart by one of Diablo’s most iconic bosses. The Butcher can pop up in any dungeon at any time. He’ll chase you (or someone on your team) until you die. Plus, since the enemy difficulty is adjusted to your level, the big guy is always a threat.

Of all player deaths in Diablo IV (excluding PvP deaths), the Butcher is responsible for 1.8%, putting him at number two on the list of the most threatening boss fights in the game.

Blizzard’s statistics do not contain enough information to determine if he is the deadliest boss in the game. However, I would not be surprised if he holds that title. Butcher doesn’t care what level you are or how prepared you are. He shows up whenever he wants. If not the deadliest boss, he’s certainly the scariest.

The Butcher has been harassing players since the original Diablo was released in 1997. In every major Diablo game except Diablo II, you can hear him growling, “Fresh meat!”. Not much has changed in the 26 years since its debut. In Diablo IV, he can send a meat hook and pull you towards him. Or even ram you for massive damage. He’s especially good at crushing ranged classes like wizards. Blizzard stats also show that the latter is the most popular class in the game.

Hardcore players who risk losing their character permanently if they die can earn an extraordinary achievement for defeating it. If I were playing hardcore, I’d fiddle around long enough to get it stuck in a crate or a pillar because the last thing I’d want to do is fight a fair fight with this horror.

Source: Twitter

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