Strange PlayStation Fan Wants to Fire God of War Developer Alanah Pearce for Playing Starfield

PlayStation gamers who desperately need a life beyond screaming on the Internet are calling for the firing of one of Sony’s developers, Alanah Pearce. The reason? She played Starfield.


As many of you may already know, Starfield is coming exclusively to Xbox and PC, and there are no immediate plans for a PlayStation release, or maybe ever. The angry PlayStation gamers probably did everything they could to change that, but it is what it is.

Now that Starfield has been released, those PlayStation gamers who were already upset about being unable to play Bethesda’s space RPG are even angrier. It should be noted that this is a small but vocal minority; most gamers are pretty reasonable people who do not throw tantrums on a regular basis.

Like many of us, one angry PlayStation fan noted that streamer and video game developer Alanah Pearce is enjoying Starfield. The problem, according to people I wouldn’t trust to use scissors unsupervised, is that Pearce works for Santa Monica Studio, the developers of God of War, and is therefore “fraternizing with the enemy”. The solution? Fire her, of course.

“Alanah Pearce should be fired for promoting Xbox games on a public platform,” wrote the fan, who clearly needs to go outside and touch some grass. “This is extremely unprofessional and shows a lack of loyalty and seriousness towards PlayStation, her employer.” Even God of War director Cory Barlog was tagged in the tweet, which can only be described as the Twitter equivalent of demanding to speak to the manager.

Fortunately, the “Fire Alanah Pearce” movement has received exactly zero support because it’s an idiotic thing to suggest in the first place.

Source: GamingBible

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