Immortals Of Aveum: Big Sale And Content Update On The Way

Immortals Of Aveum: Big Sale And Content Update On The Way

According to Bret Robbins of Ascendant Studios, the developer of the game, these steps will attract new players.


It’s been three months since the release of Immortals of Aveum for PlayStation 5, Xbox series and PC using Unreal Engine 5. The game quickly sank after the release of new titles (e.g. Armored Core VI, Starfield) and can be remembered as an average FPS with magic at best. Sales were not great and 45% of the studio had to be laid off. Robbins talked about this on his Xbox Expansion Pass YouTube channel.

“It’s a crazy time right now. Every day there’s an article about some kind of big layoff, and it’s unfortunate. It’s definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. You work really hard with people, they’ve put their faith in you and their trust in you and you want to honor that as much as you can, so when you have to make a decision like that it really sucks. We are an independent company. We’re not EA, we’re not a big organization. Our bottom line required us to sell a lot of video games and we didn’t meet our targets and that’s just the unfortunate dollars and cents of it and that means we had to do some layoffs. There’s so many things when you’re making a game that are out of your control – certainly the market can be largely out of your control – and it was unfortunate for us, but I hope that I get to work with a lot of those people again and that we continue to grow with our next project or future projects.

It’s probably the craziest time I’ve ever seen. One big game after another. We knew some big games were coming – we knew Starfield was going to be huge, we knew we were coming out the same week as Armored Core 6 and we knew that was going to be big. We knew Assassin’s Creed and Spider-Man, games like that were coming out. But we didn’t realize that Baldur’s Gate 3 was going to explode like that right in front of us, it seems to have taken everybody by surprise. And before that, Jedi Survivor, and now we’re even seeing games like Alan Wake do huge, so it’s been one thing after another. And it’s hard when you’re a new IP, especially from a new studio that no one’s heard of, to break through that noise. So for us, the timing of the release was crucial and really affected how much people engaged with the game.

I’m happy to say that the people who have engaged with the game really like it and are enjoying it, and we’re really hoping that with our new push coming out later this week that a lot of people who didn’t have time to play it because there were so many other things to play will find it. We’re also going to have a big discount, a half-off sale, and things like that, so hopefully that will help people as well,” Robbins said.

We wonder if that will be enough. The game will likely show up on Xbox Game Pass and PlayStation Plus, too.

Source: VGC

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Anikó, our news editor and communication manager, is more interested in the business side of the gaming industry. She worked at banks, and she has a vast knowledge of business life. Still, she likes puzzle and story-oriented games, like Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, which is her favourite title. She also played The Sims 3, but after accidentally killing a whole sim family, swore not to play it again. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our IMPRESSUM)

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