Could The Next Jurassic Park Get This Title?! Might Start A New Movie Series - theGeek.games

Could The Next Jurassic Park Get This Title?! Might Start A New Movie Series

MOVIE NEWS – It looks like “City” is next in the “Jurassic” series after “Park” and “World”. The film may hit theaters in 2025.



In a year and a half, we can return to the cinema to enjoy the new dinosaur movie from Universal Pictures. But it won’t be called Jurassic Park or Jurassic World. This marks the beginning of a new era and film series in the franchise. Like the trilogy starring Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, these will also have a different name. What will it be? All signs point to “Jurassic City”.

Although this is just a rumour for now, it comes from a source who has proven in the past that he has excellent connections between major Hollywood studios.

This is Daniel Richtman, who so far has been unwilling or unable to reveal more details about what kind of story we’re going to see. However, he denied that he would be significantly influenced by Escape from New York, John Carpenter and Kurt Russell’s legendary film.

It has been a source of speculation these days, especially with this name. However, we still don’t really know where the inspiration might come from. The name may refer to the dinosaurs roaming the big city. Or it could even be the name of another dino park. We know well that the third time is the charm. Maybe they finally figured out how to create a dinosaur zoo without security holes. I personally lean towards the former version, even more so after Jurassic World: Dominion.


When is Jurassic City expected?


This supposed Jurassic City will hit theaters on July 2, 2025. Thus, filming is expected to begin in the coming weeks. Then maybe we’ll get official news about its title and plot. As well as the names of the most important actors, since – and this was also reported by media such as Variety – none of the protagonists of the two previous trilogies is expected to return. Behind the scenes of the film will be Gareth Edwards (Rogue One, The Creator).

Source: CBR

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