The Elder Scrolls 6: Is It Too Early To Wait, Or Can We Believe Bethesda?!

Bethesda’s recent statements regarding the playable state of The Elder Scrolls 6 may not bode well for the game’s release date…



There are several games in development on the list of most anticipated titles, and The Elder Scrolls 6 has been at the top for quite some time now. Originally announced back in 2018 at E3, TES6 is Bethesda’s next big project.

However, the latest comments from the developer may spell bad news for those hoping for the game’s release soon.

The anticipation for The Elder Scrolls 6 has been palpable since the 36-second teaser trailer was released back in 2018. Nearly six years later, Bethesda has been pretty quiet about the game’s progress until recently. In honour of the 30th anniversary of The Elder Scrolls, hints were made that TES6 is already playable. The announcement stated: “Last but not least, yes, we are in development on the next chapter -The Elder Scrolls 6. Even now, returning to Tamriel and playing early builds has us filled with the same joy, excitement, and promise of adventure.”

This news is exciting at first, but if you compare it to the timeline of Bethesda’s latest game, Starfield, it might actually give you some clues as to the game’s release date. The bad news is that it means a long wait.

It’s great that we’re finally getting some sort of update from Bethesda. Examining Starfield and its development cycle might reveal when TES6 will finally be released. Back in 2018, Bethesda confirmed that Starfield was playable. This was five full years before the game saw the light of day. If The Elder Scrolls 6 follows a similar timeline, that means the wait could be longer…


The development of Starfield could give us an insight into The Elder Scrolls 6 game


The biggest problem with The Elder Scrolls 6 is that Bethesda dropped the announcement too early. According to recent comments from former Skyrim lead designer Bruce Nesmith, Bethesda announced TES6 too quickly. An interview with Nesmith revealed that Bethesda has already beefed up the game in 2018 to meet the needs of fans. But it seems this decision has now backfired on the studio. After all, the wait now seems longer than ever.

If Starfield’s development cycle is indeed indicative of The Elder Scrolls 6’s timeline, those excited may be in for a test of patience.


TES6 is shrouded in mystery


With only a short teaser trailer and minor updates, The Elder Scrolls 6 is in an exciting position. The game is one of the most anticipated announcements in recent years. But there is still no tangible evidence of how long production will take.

Expectations are higher than ever, and if the game is still coming five years from now, that bar will only get higher every year.

However, every game’s development cycle is different. Just because Starfield’s timeline was unidirectional doesn’t mean TES6 is exactly the same cycle. Since the game has been in development for a long time, it may actually arrive sooner than expected. But that also means it can take longer. Bethesda is in a tight spot, but however long the game takes, it will be an incredible relief when The Elder Scrolls 6 finally arrives…

Source: Kotaku

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