GameSpot Takes Another Jab at Game Informer

Due to the sudden closure of the site, it’s no wonder that the owner, GameStop, is not well liked by fans these days, as the only word that comes to mind is the owner’s mentality: cheeky.


Last week, we reported that after 33 years, Game Informer’s life had come to an abrupt end, with all 13 staff members losing their jobs and the next issue of the magazine almost finished, but it too ended up in the trash. GameStop thanked readers on Game Informer’s Twitter for “the epic journey”, but the announcement didn’t seem very sincere, and it wouldn’t be surprising if it was made with the help of ChatGPT. Then the entire site disappeared, and at least a decade’s worth of material was removed.

If they want to erase the past so badly, we will do something about it. You can download the issues published between 1991 and 2014 here, because at least THEY have preserved the past of the paper. And on this page you can find the 2015-2017 issues one by one. So we don’t link to the most recent issues, but they’re still worth a look, because at least the past has been preserved in this form. If GameSpot doesn’t care, at least we should.

Yesterday, however, GI’s Twitter was suddenly active again with this message: “Our 33 year legacy deserves a real goodbye, written by a former Game Informer member. We are heartbroken by the closure of our publication, but we leave with the pride of knowing that we gave it our all. In the words of our editor-in-chief, ‘Be well, play well.'” And the two accompanying images show the staff list. But Destructoid editor Eric Van Allen discovered that along with the website, Game Informer’s Twitter had gone poof.

Is GameStop THAT much against the past?

Source: PCGamer

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