Trademark registrations happened in both Japan and Europe. The timing is suspicious.
Interestingly, Konami has registered Zone of the Enders twice in Europe on September 3. You can find proof of it on EUIPO’s website here and here. The Japanese company has also filed two trademarks on home soil. They filed one for Z.O.E, and one for Zone of the Enders on August 24, with both being published on September 8.
The newest game in the Zone of the Enders series was Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner – MARS. This mecha game was released in September 2018 on PlayStation 4 (with VR support!) and PC, and it was a remastered version of the 2003 original. The first two games of the series came out on PlayStation 2, in the first half of the console’s life cycle. The producer for both games happened to be someone called Hideo Kojima… There was also a Game Boy Advance side-story game (Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars), and in 2012, the two PS2 titles were released in an HD format under Zone of the Enders HD Collection. However, it was available on both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Keep an eye on the Tokyo Game Show live stream (the coronavirus is to blame for it on September 26, from 11:00 to 11:50 AM UDT. In this period, there will be a Konami Info Show, where the Japanese publisher will provide news and updates about its games. We wouldn’t rule out an announcement regarding Zone of the Enders either, due to the recent trademark filings.
They better not screw us by announcing a new pachinko machine for Zone of the Enders with a European release. Knowing Konami, we wouldn’t be surprised.
Source: Gematsu
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