Skull And Bones: Ubisoft Is About To Make A Big Splash With Its Pirate Game!

The developer believes that with this move, Skull and Bones can convince a large number of players to give it a try…



Its development took quite a toll on Ubisoft, and it doesn’t look like the release has made much of a difference. However, the developers of Skull and Bones are still fighting to ensure that their pirate video game has a future. A one-week free trial period was announced three months after the release, starting on May 30.

Based on the game’s release schedule, it seems that the developer is trying to increase the number of users once the second season becomes available.


Ubisoft needs more players for Skull and Bones


S&B’s appearance was defined by Ubisoft as “quadruple A”. The game had to resort to classic strategies to increase the number of players. Since its release just three months ago, we have witnessed several aggressive marketing moves by the company. First, there was an 8-hour trial available to all users. Then, there was a 50% discount, and now, there’s a week of free access.

It’s worth noting that Ubisoft defended Skull and Bones’ controversial performance in its latest financial report. The developer did not share sales figures, but stressed that it wants to generate long-term revenue from the title. He further said that it “showed a great ability to retain users, achieving the second-best daily play time for a Ubisoft title”.

Moreover, according to the company, the intention is to take advantage of the launch of Season 2, which comes with this free trial, to “enhance good user retention and grow the player base.”

Projects like Skull and Bones are fundamental to Ubisoft’s future. The developer reaffirmed its commitment to creating a catalogue based on large open worlds and video games as a service. In this sense, they should start producing successes that put past doubts behind them.

Source: Ubisoft

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