Tag: Amazon Game Studios

The first European studio, Amazon Games Bucharest, run by a Ubisoft veteran, is currently hiring.

Could Amazon Games’ Big…

If Amazon Games hasn’t caused much trouble so far, according to the latest interview with the vice president, the…
Assassin's Creed Black Flag meets Fable in this awesome new RPG...

This Pirate Fantasy RPG…

Assassin’s Creed Black Flag meets Fable in this awesome new RPG…     As part of the Summer Game…
Amazon abandoned the project after negotiations failed to reach an agreement with Tencent.

Why Was Amazon’s LOTR…

Amazon abandoned the project after negotiations failed to reach an agreement with Tencent.     When Amazon’s Lord Of…
Although Lost Ark is only days away from its (Western) release, some lucky players can try out Amazon's video game today.

Amazon Games Is Not…

Lost Ark, the PC MMORPG from Smilegate and Amazon Games, has recently arrived in the West after its success…
Although Lost Ark is only days away from its (Western) release, some lucky players can try out Amazon's video game today.

Here Are Twenty Minutes…

Although Lost Ark is only days away from its (Western) release, some lucky players can try out Amazon’s video…
Is it a trend lately for developers to move from Ubisoft to, for example, Amazon Games?

Amazon Games Picks Up…

Amazon Games might start to take the gaming industry seriously.   Amazon (and let’s not shy away from saying…
Lord of the Rings creator JRR Tolkien's estate has successfully blocked a crypto-currency called JRR Token.

Amazon Gave Up On…

The reasoning behind it is none other than Tencent, the Chinese tech giant that is slowly and steadily gaining…
Amazon - What a fair move by Amazon if the report is true: on the final day of E3, it's not entirely fair to announce the layoffs to the employees.

Dozens Of People Got…

What a fair move by Amazon if the report is true: on the final day of E3, it’s not…

Breakaway: Amazon Cancels Its…

After the 2016 announcement, Breakaway is already getting shafted… Amazon Game Studios announced this game at 2016’s Twitchcon (remember:…