Tag: Gabe Newell

Valve Even Steam’s servers buckled under the Steam Deck pre-order rush.

Steam Deck To Receive…

Valve wants to improve its portable PC by giving it stronger components, allowing the Steam Deck to become an…
Valve Even Steam’s servers buckled under the Steam Deck pre-order rush.

Valve Discusses Possibilities For…

TECH NEWS – Valve’s new portable hardware will be available from 28 February.     Now that Valve’s promising…
Valve Even Steam’s servers buckled under the Steam Deck pre-order rush.

The Steam Deck Will…

Valve will provide a function in its Steam Deck that will significantly benefit those who have more than one…
Valve Even Steam’s servers buckled under the Steam Deck pre-order rush.

Steam Deck: Valve Revealed…

TECH NEWS – Valve’s handheld hardware customers should keep an eye on their email to find out when they…
Valve Even Steam’s servers buckled under the Steam Deck pre-order rush.

Valve: Steam Deck Will…

Gabe Newell has already delayed their portable Steam Deck once (and we’ve written about what the real reason behind…
Valve Even Steam’s servers buckled under the Steam Deck pre-order rush.

The Steam Deck Battery…

Valve’s portable PC, Steam Deck, is missing a feature that might be important …   We hear new information…
Valve Even Steam’s servers buckled under the Steam Deck pre-order rush.

Steam Deck: Don’t Worry,…

When we wrote about the Steam Deck the last time, we predicted something when we said that whatever will…
Valve CEO Gabe Newell confirmed this during a talk in New Zealand

Valve Is Investing Heavily…

Valve CEO Gabe Newell confirmed this during a talk in New Zealand     Virtual reality has finally established…
Valve Even Steam’s servers buckled under the Steam Deck pre-order rush.

Steam Deck: Valve Reveals…

For example, the Steam Deck, a portable PC that was postponed from this year, has been given a SoC…
Valve Even Steam’s servers buckled under the Steam Deck pre-order rush.

Steam Deck: Valve Categorizes…

Gabe Newell’s company puts all games on Steam into four categories regarding its portable PC, Steam Deck that will…

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