Tag: Marc Laidlaw

The story is a long trek of deceit, war, and the bickering of nobles in a land, but also takes place pretty much on the entire world of Thedas.

Is Dragon Age 4…

The new Dragon Age‘s future looks a bit bleak at the moment… Let’s recap the previous year of BioWare:…
Half-Life 2 Remastered - Half-Life 2 - It seems likely that Valve will port the first Half-Life game to the HTC Vive.

Half-Life 2: Episode 3’s…

Marc Laidlaw, a former writer at Valve, has revealed how the episode, which we have been waiting for almost…
Half-Life 2 Remastered - Half-Life 2 - It seems likely that Valve will port the first Half-Life game to the HTC Vive.

Half-Life 3: If It…

Valve’s game is nowhere to be seen, which is a major disappointment for some, and not a point of…

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