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Tag: microtransaction

Fallout 76 - Bethesda says the following: „[...] Repair Kits were a popular request that we wanted to get into players’ hands [...] we’re exploring ways we can bring other community-driven ideas to the game as well,” Bethesda said.

Fallout 76 Tries To…

Bethesda seems to do it on purpose by this point. Previously, we already discussed the game possibly receiving lunch…

Metal Gear Survive’s Monetization…

Konami’s new game asks money for things that we should expect for free in any video game… Although we…
Loot Boxes - The reason why the players and the Internet are so mad about lootboxes is that content, or in the case of Shadow of War, cheats are sold for real money.

Loot Boxes: Even CD…

Aside from American movements (plural!), even CD Projekt RED did a bit of mic drop. Last year, Chris Lee,…
We knew it was going to be one year of DLC in a season pass, and then on to Star Wars Battlefront II.

Star Wars: Battlefront II:…

Weaker sales than planned? Let’s turn microtransactions on again! Electronic Arts confirmed to Wall Street Journal that they shipped nine…
According to Electronic Arts' overview, „In Anthem, up to four friends can unravel the world’s mysteries and take on its most fearsome challenges together.

The Creators of Anthem…

In BioWare, they say they do not know where the rumors have come from nor do they intend to…
Kaldaien, the modder, has already fixed other games, now he’s making the PC version of Guerrilla Games’ Horizon: Zero Dawn playable.

A PlayStation 4-exclusive Without…

At least this game doesn’t want you to spend more money via microtransactions. Guerrilla Games’ new title, Horizon Zero…
Knowing Activision, they can pull this off if they wanted to, only to eventually roll this kind of money hungry mentality to Call of Duty in the future, right?

Activision: „We’re not going…

Yesterday we wrote about how some rumors say that Activision can grab – even more – money if Bungie…