Tag: PlayStation 4

PayDay 2: CrimeWave Edition…

As 505 Games promised, today sees the European launch of PayDay 2‘s current generation version, dubbed CrimeWave Edition. This…

Everybody’s Gone To The…

The Chinese Room‘s game, Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture is happening 31 years after the world has ended, giving…

CoD: AW’s Supremacy got…

Sledgehammer Games and Activision has announced the third Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s DLC release date for the PlayStation…
And look how gorgeous it is going to be! Although the PlayStation 3's Future trilogy looked quite decent

Ratchet & Clank’s in…

We already knew about Sony‘s plans: they will see an animation movie and a PlayStation 4-exclusive rethinking of the…

MotoGP 15 slightly delayed

Somehow we remember Milestone doing the same thing happening to RIDE a few months ago. They are performing a…

Day-one patch for The…

The title is not really correct, because technically, there’s going to be three patches (1.01, 1.02 and 1.03) being…

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake…

The tendency of remasters and ports continue, as the first Uncharted games will also receive a PlayStation 4 port.…

PayDay 2: CrimeWave Edition…

We’re not exaggarating with the title, because the current generation port of PayDay 2 can be easily called a…
Sony thinks an instant in-depth demo of the PS4 NEO later the year should work out much better.

Andrew House speaks about…

Andrew House didn’t just talk about Uncharted 4, but he also gave his honest opinion about the PlayStation 4-exclusive…


The Brazilian retailers use a hack on the PlayStation 4, with which they can avoid the DRM – this…

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