Tag: PlayStation 4

FREE-to-play Airmech Arena now…

We recommend taking a look at Airmech Arena, if you are into real-time strategy games; the game is available…

Ex-EA CEO: Sony deserves…

John Riccitello – former Electronic Arts CEO, now taking up this position at Unity Technologies – has a quite…

Far Cry 4 Complete…

The German Amazon website has listed Ubisoft’s game in one, so far not announced variation. Far Cry 4 might…

Kodoku: a video for…

It’s been a very long time since the announcement of Kodoku… it was around one and half year ago,…

PS4 vs. Xbox One…

The PlayStation 4 is having an enormous lead on its newest market – namely, China – as well against…

Sony plans to sell…

Sony has set his bar quite high about this fiscal year’s sales expections for PlayStation 4 – honestly, we…

PS4 in China: the…

It’s still a very difficult situation in China to buy a current generation console – we’re not talking mainly…

CoD: Black Ops 3…

It happened. We were expecting it to happen anyway, but the time has arrived. If you still own just…

PS4: here’s the 2.51…

The 2.50 update was troublesome for some (effectively bricking their PlayStation 4s in progress), so Sony quickly reacted to…

Screencheat to receive a…

Samurai Punk’s game was released last October for PC, Mac and Linux, but now it’s confirmed to be ported…

theGeek TV