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Tag: PlayStation Meeting

PlayStation 4 Pro –…

Time to be professional?

PlayStation 4 Slim: Finally,…

Sony managed to surprise us even with the leaked console during the PlayStation Meeting. PlayStation 4 Slim looks just…
We'll see next year. Hopefully, the Bioware-departed people will not affect Andromeda.

Mass Effect: Andromeda Looks…

BioWare sneaked into the PlayStation Meeting… A lot of gamers are waiting for the new Mass Effect game, but…

A PlayStation 4 Elite…

On Target, a PlayStation 4 Elite controller popped up out of nowhere… It looks like someone took the Xbox…
Sony - What's going to happen to DriveClub? Evolution was working on VR-support for their late-2014 game.

The PlayStation 4 NEO…

Sony‘s CEO, Kazuo Hirai, has told a few interesting tidbits to Financial Times (you need a subscription to read…
Dark Souls is mostly related to Hidetaka Miyazaki, who was also the director of Bloodborne.

PlayStation VR Dev Diary,…

1.5 months away from Sony‘s virtual reality headset launching, the Japanese company began a developer diary series. It will…
Red Dead Redemption - However, take all this with a grain of salt. Unless Rockstar or Take-Two officially announces these, we should not believe anything at all, right?

Rockstar To Be Present…

It looks like Rockstar could also reveal a new game in development on September 7 in New York… Sony‘s…
Sony - PS Vita - No life... literally!

A New PlayStation Vita…

On the NeoGAF forums, something surfaced regarding the PlayStation Vita. A new model might see a reveal during the…
So we can expect the PS4 NEO at either Gamescom or Tokyo Game Show because the PSX 2016 in December would be ridiculous.

PlayStation Meeting In September…

What a coincidence: Sony will hold an event in New York on September 7! A few days ago, we…

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