Tag: PlayStation Network

At least it's not an automated ban.

Sony Will Not Ban…

Sony Interactive Entertainment will not automatically ban those whose PlayStation Network IDs (which can now be changed – the…
However, not only Microsoft is ahead of Sony with safety! Blizzard and Valve with their Battle.net and Steam systems respectively also already have this safety feature.

You Can Now Change…

Sony Interactive Entertainment announced on the PlayStation Blog that we can now finally change our online ID, but you should…
PlayStation Store - Sony semble préparer un grand bouleversement pour la politique d'achat mise en place via son PlayStation Store

The PlayStation Store’s Refund…

The PlayStation Store changed its refund policy, but let’s take a look if the customers can benefit from it.…

Will There Be No…

If Sony‘s idea becomes a reality, we might bid farewell to those players in multiplayer games who are lagging…
According to a Rockstar insider, the optimisation of Red Dead Redemption 2 for current consoles has allegedly fallen victim to the development of GTA 6.

Red Dead Redemption 2…

In the entertainment industry, a similar launch happens rarely. Rockstar announced that Red Dead Redemption 2 that launched on…
PlayStation 4 7.50 firmware - - PlayStation 4 - launches its update 6.72 and Although the official patch notes don't mention more than „This system software update improves the quality of the system performance,” a few users have reported on Reddit.

You Could Change Your…

The PlayStation 4 received its 6.10 firmware, but this time, it’s risky to upgrade… The flagship addition to the…
At least it's not an automated ban.

It’s Official: PlayStation Network…

We can change our online IDs on the PlayStation Network shortly! Sony announced on the PlayStation Blog that the…
At least it's not an automated ban.

PlayStation Network: Are Username…

Three developer teams have told Kotaku that they are preparing to make PlayStation Network username changes possible. They revealed…
PlayStation 4 - Several signs point to the announcement happening during Paris Game Week, which will begin on October 28, and it also looks like Sony is going to have a bigger presence there. Think about the rumours of Quantic Dream announcing their PS4-exclusive title during this event!

New PlayStation 4 Shipment…

The PlayStation 4 is performing so well that Sony has increased its expectations. Sony has released its financial report…

PlayStation 4: Another Increase,…

The Japanese company revealed their latest financial results. The previous fiscal year ended roughly a month ago, and Sony…