Tag: Sony

The visually appealing h.ear series get three new items: the h.ear go model will be a portable wireless speaker, the h.ear on Wireless NC and the h.ear in Wireless will be wireless ear/headphones, expanding the line-up further.

Sony announced their 2016…

Yesterday we wrote about how Sony missed a big opportunity to talk about the PlayStation VR in detail, including…
Maybe we can still hear some new information about the PlayStation VR during CES (as it opens to the public today) - if they miss this opportunity, we won't remember this event in a positive light.

Sony – CES trailer…

Sony held their CES press conference yesterday, but we were somewhat disappointed after seeing it. As we wrote about…
PlayStation Now - There are several interesting games on the list, especially Capcom stepped behind PS Now: Resident Evil 4, 5, 6, Mega Man 9, 10, Lost Planet 2, 3, Dead Rising 2, earlier Street Fighter games, but there's also Sniper Ghost Warrior, Red Faction Battlegrounds and many more.

PlayStation Now is now…

PlayStation Now is continuously expanding to have PlayStation 4-owners be able to play PS3 games via streaming to their…
PlayStation 4 - Several signs point to the announcement happening during Paris Game Week, which will begin on October 28, and it also looks like Sony is going to have a bigger presence there. Think about the rumours of Quantic Dream announcing their PS4-exclusive title during this event!

PlayStation 4: Almost 36…

Sony has published new sales data about their very successful PlayStation 4. The last time they’ve done so was…

PSN – Sony doesn’t…

Yesterday was a return to the boring weekdays of everyday life for many: school, work and so on. We…
But let's turn over to this massive list - look at the line-up. Don't forget that the PlayStation VR will be able to support 90 fps with an external box - now that is going to be something amazing!

When will Sony hold…

CES 2016 will be held between January 6 and 9 in Las Vegas this year. There is an enormous…
The video below has some humor to it, too: failOverflow launches a Gameboy Advance Pokémon game, which got hacked into the „PlayStation Version”.

PlayStation 4: A successful…

A team called failOverflow managed to pull off the seemingly impossible task: they were able to install a Linux…
Although there are a few of them that will be out on PC as well, it looks promising. If a few of these games can become killer apps, the PlayStation 4's one of the weaknesses - lack of killer exclusives - can disappear.

PlayStation 4: Expect these…

Sony didn’t care about New Year’s Day and decided to upload a new trailer on January 1 about their…
The other interesting thing to show you is that a fan was inspired by the pre-Star Wars VII CG trailer - made by Digic Pictures - so much that he ended up recreating the whole thing in LittleBigPlanet 3!

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s…

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is a very crucial PlayStation 4-exclusive game for Sony. This might be another reason…
PlayStation Plus - Seeing the comments of this announcement, it looks like many users are now fed up with the PS Plus service. We wonder what is happening behind the scenes.

PlayStation Plus: The January…

PlayStation Plus got its first 2016 list of free games revealed at the end of 2015, so here’s a…

theGeek TV