Tag: Starfield

A cinematic trailer with the game's graphics engine allowed us to see the first preview of Starfield: Bethesda's long-awaited RPG game.

Starfield: Todd Howard Teases…

Bethesda Game Studios has published a new developer diary about one of the most anticipated 2022 titles, Starfield (and…
Bethesda releases the first instalment of a new development diary on Starfield's ambitions

Bethesda Talks About Starfield…

Bethesda releases the first instalment of a new development diary on Starfield’s ambitions     A few days ago,…
A cinematic trailer with the game's graphics engine allowed us to see the first preview of Starfield: Bethesda's long-awaited RPG game.

Concept Art And Soundtrack:…

Although Todd Howard’s next opus is still a year away from release, Bethesda Game Studios and Microsoft seem to…
A LinkedIn profile notes that Elder Scrolls 6 is in pre-production, while Starfield is in production

Bethesda Shelved The Elder…

Todd Howard admits that many titles got in the way of the development of The Elder Scrolls 6  …
A cinematic trailer with the game's graphics engine allowed us to see the first preview of Starfield: Bethesda's long-awaited RPG game.

Starfield Will Have More…

Starfield, Todd Howard’s, and Bethesda’s space adventure will arrive in 2022, exclusively on Xbox platforms.   There is no…
The Redmond company's strategy might include Bethesda Game Studios' next title, where a certain Todd Howard is working hard on his next project.

Starfield: Xbox says it…

Xbox marketing director Aaron Greenberg has confirmed that Bethesda’s space adventure will not be a temporary exclusive. Despite rumours…
The Redmond company's strategy might include Bethesda Game Studios' next title, where a certain Todd Howard is working hard on his next project.

[E3 2021] Todd Howard…

The key member of Bethesda Game Studios is now part of the Xbox family, meaning he had to leave…
A cinematic trailer with the game's graphics engine allowed us to see the first preview of Starfield: Bethesda's long-awaited RPG game.

[E3 2021] Starfield: Trailer…

A cinematic trailer with the game’s graphics engine allowed us to see the first preview of Starfield: Bethesda’s long-awaited…
The Redmond company's strategy might include Bethesda Game Studios' next title, where a certain Todd Howard is working hard on his next project.

Is Starfield Nowhere Near…

There will be talks about Starfield during E3… but don’t expect Bethesda Game Studios (BGS) and Microsoft to release…
The Redmond company's strategy might include Bethesda Game Studios' next title, where a certain Todd Howard is working hard on his next project.

Starfield Is More And…

A few more images of Bethesda Game Studios‘ (BGS) next game have also leaked. Starfield will be the next…