Tag: Xbox Game Studios

Well, well, well: the rumours weren't lying about The Initiative - they are indeed working on bringing the Perfect Dark IP back, as it was announced during The Game Awards by Microsoft.

Perfect Dark: Microsoft’s Elite…

Well, well, well: the rumours weren’t lying about The Initiative – they are indeed working on bringing the Perfect…
Story-Driven Games

„Console Launch Line-Ups Won’t…

This thought wasn’t made up by us – this is what Phil Spencer, the number one person of Xbox,…
It's easy to grow fast if you start small, so we could say that the sky is blue.

Microsoft: The Head Of…

Phil Spencer says there’s nothing behind the scenes when it comes to expanding the Xbox Game Studios with Japanese…
The head of Xbox has stepped on the pedal to the metal - but he better not wipeout in the next corner.

Xbox Game Studios: Microsoft…

The Redmond-based company wants to make sure that they aren’t looked at (and down) as foreigners in Japan, which…
The head of Xbox has stepped on the pedal to the metal - but he better not wipeout in the next corner.

Phil Spencer: More Single-Player…

The head of Xbox has stepped on the pedal to the metal – but he better not wipeout in…
Obsidian - The Outer Worlds - However, they showed more than that in the presentation. They also gave us another glimpse at their „VATS” - the slow-down of time that you have seen before in Fallout 3/New Vegas/4 - it already looks promising in its work-in-progress format...

Is Obsidian Preparing For…

Despite officially working on two other titles, it seems that there are plans to continue The Outer Worlds. Microsoft…
Microsoft pays 7.5 billion dollars for one of the largest video game studios in the industry.

Xbox closes historic purchase…

Microsoft pays 7.5 billion dollars for one of the largest video game studios in the industry. Xbox has just…
Although you can admire the Xbox Series X in life-size, we still don’t know anything about when it will come or how much it will cost.

Xbox Series X: Price…

Meanwhile, Microsoft is continuing its expansion behind the scenes, and the stronger next-gen console’s release date might have leaked.…

Phil Spencer Talked About…

“It’s a bummer, but it’s the right decision.” Xbox boss Phil Spencer said when he apologized to fans for…
A week after Phil Spencer's promise, Microsoft is already dancing back from the Xbox One. Scam Show: Microsoft Edition?

Did Microsoft Lie? –…

They Promised Two Years Of Backward Compatibility