Tag: Xbox One

Battlefield V Gets Delayed!

Electronic Arts and DICE pull out the World War II shooter (which underperforms at the moment) from the October…

Anthem Will „Retain The…

Jon Warner, Anthem‘s director, thinks this way. „If you look at BioWare games on a spectrum, from Baldur’s Gate…
MOVIE NEWS - The Fallout production stars Lisa Joy and Westworld creator Jonathan Nolan as executive producers.

Fallout 76: looting will…

Aside from this, we’ve also learned some interesting details about the game. Pete Hines, one of the key figures…

Hellpoint: new sci-fi action…

It looks like action RPG titles got popular in recent years. Now here’s another one that seems to be…
While Destiny 1 was considered by many a competent and even addicting online shooter, it was disliked by many for the cut story, and the loot is hard to get.

Destiny 2 – Did…

Did Bungie Find the Light? (PS Plus)

Devil May Cry 5:…

Capcom has never modified its ideas about Devil May Cry 5 – not even God of War was capable…
Hopefully, Sony will finally respond to Microsoft's invitation.

Gwent’s single player mode…

It looks like there’s a good reason why CD Projekt RED delayed the game mode. Thronebreaker was originally announced…

Here’s V-Rally 4’s complete…

Because V-Rally 4‘s release date is imminent, the publisher behind it decided to unveil what cars will be available…

Battlefield V Will Lack…

DICE‘s World War II FPS might have another thing coming after the game’s launch… Battlefield Bulletin noticed that Electronic…
Far Cry games have historically not been superlative lately (maybe the second or the third installment was the high point).

Far Cry 5: a…

You now have new reasons to dive back into Ubisoft’s Hope County adventure. Big day for Far Cry 5!…

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