Tag: Xbox Series S

STALKER 2 has a trailer - it will will also be the first visit of the series on a console: with a huge fanbase, MS has a serious card in their hands.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: The January…

GSC Game World claims the game’s development is progressing smoothly, according to their plans. Zakhar Bochalov, the studio’s PR…
CD Projekt RED's game is the most stable on PlayStation 4 Pro if we look at the older consoles.

Cyberpunk 2077: The Staff…

CD Projekt RED‘s staff knew that their first-person perspective RPG is far from the best, and yet they published…
Hitman 3: New Details About Tone And Gameplay

Hitman III: Many PC…

IO Interactive couldn’t bring the experience over the way they planned to. We previously wrote how Hitman III will…
Fares didn't disappoint us - after him saying F___ THE OSCARS at one of the former The Game Awards, we somewhat expected him to have some of those off-the-cuff comments.

Josef Fares’ Opinion Of…

Josef Fares didn’t disappoint us – after him saying F___ THE OSCARS at one of the former The Game…
Microsoft blinked before Sony did, and the latter will abuse this chance, it seems. PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales.

American Environmental Agency Versus…

The United States’ Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC for short) doesn’t accept how (both models of) the PlayStation 5…
The Poles are in a tough situation now, although some of the bad reputation they get is all their fault. Maybe not this time, though.

Cyberpunk 2077: Did CD…

The Poles are in a tough situation now, although some of the bad reputation they get is all their…
The Medium trailer, which was announced in May, got more details revealed thanks to the Microsoft Store.

The Medium Kicks Off…

The next game of Bloober Team (Blair Witch, Observer, Layers of Fear) grabs our attention by having a live-action…
exclusive Cyberpunk 2077 - Keanu Reeves, who you might remember from either The Matrix or the John Wick films, has had a stellar performance at E3 when it was confirmed that he'll be in Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt

Cyberpunk 2077: CD Projekt…

The Polish team has also delayed Cyberpunk’s next-gen versions so that it wouldn’t be shoddy on PlayStation 5 and…
Star Wars game - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will feature an authentic story set shortly after the events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, when the Jedi have fallen.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen…

The PlayStation 5 and the two Xbox Series consoles can now run Respawn‘s 2019 title that made Electronic Arts…
CD Projekt RED's newest game might cause the company to lose 10% of its annual income.

Cyberpunk 2077: Multiplayer Leaks,…

CD Projekt RED‘s newest game might cause the company to lose 10% of its annual income. DSOGaming wrote about…

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