Tag: Xbox Series S

The head of Xbox said that he isn't forcing the Xbox Game Studios (XGS) teams to make their games available on both the Xbox Series X and the Xbox One.

Here’s The November Xbox…

The arrival of the new Xbox Series‘ already brought a new, massive firmware update last month, but the Xbox…
Microsoft blinked before Sony did, and the latter will abuse this chance, it seems. PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales.

Next-Gen Sales: Another Country…

After the Japanese launch figures, we learn of another country’s sales performance of the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox…
Control's PC - Control system requirements - A GTX 1060 among the minimum A GTX 1060 among the minimum requirements? It is a thing of the past.

Control: Is Remedy Entertainment…

As the Finnish studio is in a good relationship with Microsoft (they made the Alan Wake games for the…
Ubisoft is preparing for the release of Watch Dogs Legion, which has now received an inviting trailer. The game is coming in October.

Watch Dogs: Legion: Nearly…

However, the game’s promised online multiplayer update will not arrive this year. Digital Foundry analyzed Watch Dogs: Legion‘s next-gen…
Microsoft blinked before Sony did, and the latter will abuse this chance, it seems. PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales.

PlayStation 5: Better Performance…

With the multiplatform, third-party developments, Microsoft has vowed to work together with the developers to overcome the performance differences.…
According to one insider, GTA 6 will be Rockstar's only game this generation

Is GTA Online’s New…

Two things are sure in life: bread becoming a melee weapon if left unpacked and Rockstar Games working on…
Red Dead Redemption 2 - It's the first time that we see an official (semi-official?) manner on a website directly related to Rockstar Games that they have Red Dead Redemption 2 mentioned on PC and in a direct way.

Red Dead Redemption: The…

Don’t believe all the rumours: Rockstar Games doesn’t seem likely to bring the two Red Dead Redemption games to…
The Danes are no longer dealing only with Agent 47 - another Agent is joining their ranks. And his name is Bond. James Bond.

Project 007: A James…

The Danes are no longer dealing only with Agent 47 – another Agent is joining their ranks. And his…
Yoshinori Ono, Producer of Onimusha, Dead Rising, Darkstalkers and of course Street Fighter will leave Capcom after 30 years.

Will Street Fighter VI…

Capcom hasn’t even announced the next chapter in the Street Fighter series, but via the ransomware attack, it got…
The founder and CEO of Quantic Dream says that the stronger hardware on its own isn't going to make a console a winner. console war

The First Next-Gen Sales…

It’s only limited to one country, but it’s still more than nothing: we know how many PlayStation 5s and…

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