Slant Six: Their Demise Wasn't Because Of Operation Raccoon City - theGeek.games

Slant Six: Their Demise Wasn’t Because Of Operation Raccoon City

The developers behind the 2012 Resident Evil spin-off wasn’t going defunct because of that game.

It launched over five years ago, and it contained loading screen assets of Star Wars: Battlefront 3. Andy Santos, the director (who is now the design and production head at Aticom, developers of JCB Pioneer: Mars) told Game Watcher that it’s true, and eventually it led to their demise, while also facing Star Wars: Battlefront 3 getting cancelled after taking it over from Free Radical.

„We might have got a few terrible review scores, but it was number one in Japan. After making this number one game we got our second game canceled because of these Star Wars assets being on the disc.“I only found out about them from the news story, and I went into work and found out by the end of the day that our next game wasn’t going to be made with Capcom,” Santos said.

Slant Six, previously behind the SOCOM series, had to let go 25% of its employees in June 2012, followed by another round of lay-off in April 2013, and after making a few mobile games, they closed their doors in June 2013.

The story of Slant Six is a typical What if…? scenario. Capcom admittedly wanted to take Resident Evil towards an action-based gameplay (which happened with 6 later in 2012), and who knows how Slant Six’ Battlefront could have been different from what DICE eventually made in 2015…? Also, think about it: a RE game made a SW title to be canceled. Weird, isn’t it?

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