Devil May Cry 5 Director Could Have Left Capcom! [VIDEO] - theGeek.games

Devil May Cry 5 Director Could Have Left Capcom! [VIDEO]

Dante’s English voice actor says that Hideaki Itsuno was considering resignation from Capcom.

Reuben Langdon has been the voice of Dante in Devil May Cry 3, 4, and 5 (not in DmC: Devil May Cry, though). In a video interview with Top Bounty Hunters, he revealed Hideaki Itsuno’s plans.

In short, he didn’t like the change of direction that the franchise picked up with DmC, and after its release, he was „ready to leave Capcom behind: „I think he put in his resignation and then they said ‘wait, you’re a valuable guy, we don’t want you to leave. What can make you stay?’”, Langdon said, and he added that Itsuno wished to make a new Devil May Cry title with his control. (He got this.)

„Hats off to him for standing up and hats off for Capcom for going all out. They literally gave him everything he requested and wanted for this game, and it’s paying off,” Langdon added.

So Itsuno could have easily abandoned Capcom, and thus, Devil May Cry 5 would have never been made. However, the company listened to him, and he paid back the trust Capcom gave him…

You can read our review of Devil May Cry 5 here.

Source: PCGamer

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