Why was Kingdom Under Fire 2 announced more than ten years ago and comes out in 2019? And the PS4 version?

Bringing together the role-playing and real-time strategy experience has been one of the challenges they have had to face.

It is striking that Kingdom Under Fire II was announced in 2008, and it is not until 2019 that we do not watch the video game for sale. What is this about? BlueSide wanted to shed some light on it.

“It all started with the main problem of having to combine two different genres such as Action-RPG with the real-time strategy game, ” says Joo-Bo Kim in an interview with the Twinfinite portal. “These are two very different types of video games. Putting them together has been a very difficult challenge, and we have experienced a lot of problems and, during all this time, we have tried to find a perfect balance.”

“In the end, we have worked with GameForge and we are very confident in the result, and we are excited to have perfected the game to the level of being able to launch it for players to enjoy,” they comment.

How much is left to see the game in the announced version of PS4? “Right now we are focused on having it for PC, and we have no short-term plans. We are always thinking about things, but we want to see how fans enjoy it and what they want.”

Only a few days ago we offered you the system requirements of Kingdom Under Fire 2 on PC the only version that, for the moment, has a fixed launch date.

Source: Twinfinite

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BadSector is a seasoned journalist for more than twenty years. He communicates in English, Hungarian and French. He worked for several gaming magazines - including the Hungarian GameStar, where he worked 8 years as editor. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our impressum)

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