Final Fantasy VII Remake: Technically Imperfect [VIDEO]

Final Fantasy VII Remake: Technically Imperfect [VIDEO]

DigitalFoundry has released a technical review of Square Enix‘ big game, Final Fantasy VII Remake.

Let’s start with the resolution: on the base PlayStation 4 (regardless whether you use the old PS4 or a PlayStation 4 Slim), Final Fantasy VII Remake runs on 1080p. The PlayStation 4 Pro displays Cloud’s adventures (which we could first experience on the original PlayStation back in 1997) on 1620p. Both consoles use resolution scaling to make sure the game has a stable frame rate (which should be 30 frames per second). However, the game has a few dips, so you might see sub-30 FPS here and there.

Final Fantasy VII Remake uses Unreal Engine 4, and thus, it has a smaller issue that was already present in several games that used an earlier iteration of the engine (UE3). If you guessed low-res textures, you’d be correct: in Square Enix’ game, you might run into them on a few occasions. According to the two DigitalFoundry editors (Alex Battaglia and John Linneman – the latter is also responsible for the excellent DF Retro series), the low-res textures happen due to a loading bug, so the Japanese devs could be addressing it in a future update.

Final Fantasy VII Remake will arrive on April 10, exclusively on PlayStation 4 (the game is a timed PS4-exclusive for a year). Australia and Europe have broken the game’s street date, as Square Enix has announced it before – due to the issues in the distribution caused by the coronavirus, the physical copies could have been sold up to a week before April 10. However, the PlayStation Store remains firm: digital copies of the game won’t unlock before tomorrow.

In case you haven’t decided to buy the game or not, aside from the video below (which is not a video review but a technical analysis!), you could get a demo from the PlayStation Store, although the Japanese company stated that its contents might differ from the retail/final build of Final Fantasy VII Remake.

Source: WCCFTech

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