Cyberpunk 2077 – No Chance For A Free Demo Or Xbox Game Pass

Creating a demo of Cyberpunk 2077 would take up a lot of resources right now, says CD Projekt RED, also noting that the game won’t join Xbox Game Pass.

The Cyberpunk 2077 team continues to work hard to prepare the game for its November 19 premiere. A premiere that will take place after a second delay in the game’s release date prompted by the need to polish the game before offering it to players. With the additional development time, CD Projekt RED resources will be focused on detecting bugs, fixing them and improving the overall experience, although it seems that there will be no room to publish a free demo of the title.



Through Twitter, the official Cyberpunk 2077 account has answered questions from fans of the game on various topics, including the possibility of playing a public demo of the game before its release. On this topic, the studio commented:


“Unfortunately not. Creating a playable demo for public requires a lot of resources and testing.”



Another hot topic that players are interested in knowing, given the marketing agreement that the game maintains with Microsoft, is the possibility that Cyberpunk 2077 would appear on Xbox Game Pass. Radek Grabowski, director of public relations at CD Projekt RED had the following to say: “No Game Pass plans for Cyberpunk 2077.”



So it seems that the way to test Cyberpunk 2077 this winter will be the most common method: buying the game. Be that as it may, we remind you that CD Projekt RED last month showed a new Cyberpunk 2077 trailer with gameplay of the game, as well as announcing an anime series with Studio Trigger and Akira Yamaoka, and publishing a new look at the original soundtrack.

If you want to know better what awaits you in Night City, and in the absence of a demo, do not hesitate to read our preview of Cyberpunk 2077.

Source: 3DJuegos

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Praesagus is a Role-Playing enthusiast and a huge fan of most story-driven games. He's also a diehard fan of everything related to Star Wars, Star Trek, or Fallout and likes to divide his free time between his beloved girlfriend and the retro games he loves so much.

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