NieR Replicant: It Could Be Closer Than We Think!

NieR Replicant: It Could Be Closer Than We Think!

Yoko Taro is revamping the original game, the NieR Replicant remaster has already been registered in Taiwan, maybe it will be there at TGS 2020 as well?


The most attentive and curious eyes have detected that the Taiwan age classification body has recently issued its assessment for NieR Replicant ver. 1.22474487139 which, as we already know, will remaster the Yoko Taro classic on PC and consoles of the present generation. This is interesting for two very specific reasons.

The first, that this kind of movement is usually accompanied by a very close launch in stores, so perhaps the release date will not be required from now on. The second reason is that the Tokyo Game Show 2020, a scenario closely related to this kind of productions, is about to fall: it will take place between September 23 and 27, this year in digital format. Do not rule out ads and trailers about this game.

In the absence of seeing gameplay material in action, fans may be excited: it is supposedly a very ambitious remastering with gameplay similar to that of NieR Automata, one of the most popular and successful oriental games of recent years.

Source: 3DJuegos

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Praesagus is a Role-Playing enthusiast and a huge fan of most story-driven games. He's also a diehard fan of everything related to Star Wars, Star Trek, or Fallout and likes to divide his free time between his beloved girlfriend and the retro games he loves so much.

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