A new short film for Battlefield 2042, “Exodus”, is an integral part of the story

The Battlefield video focuses on Kimble “Irish” Graves, an iconic character from Battlefield 4.


We can’t wait to see what Battlefield 2042 has to offer on the battlefield of competitive gaming. In a short time, you’ll be up against the likes of Call of Duty or even other successful opponents like Fortnite. After designing the strategy, EA and DICE have decided not to have a story mode, focusing solely on the multiplayer experience. If you missed that, this video gives you some answers to learn more about the Battlefield universe.

To promote Battlefield 2042, EA has released a short animated film called Exodus, which focuses on expanding the series on a narrative level, with a series of action sequences that, although shot on a computer, are close to photorealism.



The short film, just over six minutes long, focuses on Kimble “Irish” Graves, an old Battlefield 4 acquaintance, and shows how he lives in the game’s 2042 world. No longer a navy soldier, he is now in command of a ship called No-Pat and must choose between the lives and crews of the 200 refugees trapped on board. These events will trigger an all-out war, which will start with a shoot-out.


battlefield 2042


Battlefield 2042 is scheduled to be released on 22 October for PS4, PS5, Xbox X Series X|S and PC, with up to 128 players on Sony and Microsoft’s most powerful systems.

Source: 3djuegos

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