Activision Blizzard Stocks Plummeted 25% In The Last Month Due To Scandal

Activision Blizzard’s biggest controversy could lead to the resignation of its CEO, Bobby Kotick.



Trouble keeps knocking on Activision Blizzard’s door. In the lost month or so Activision Blizzard image was tarnished after several cases of sexual abuse at work were uncovered, something that the company’s CEO Bobby Kotick was fully aware of. Now hunderds of employees calling for Kotick’s resignation. This scandal and delays in the studio’s games are having an affect on its stock market performances. 3DJuegos says over the last month, Activision Blizzard’s shares have fallen 25%. In recent days, the company has seen its stock plummet bit by bit, with significant declines that foreshadowed the current outlook.

The ongoing situation has created a powerful social media shockwave that almost the entire community is aware of it. Aside from this, it is worth noting that delivery-related dilemmas also affect a video game company’s stock, so the delay of Diablo IV and Overwatch 2 earlier this month has not helped Activision Blizzard. As Ruetir media reports, the two events seems to be related, as the company claims that the altered dates are because harassment lawsuits have necessitated staff changes.

All in all, Activision Blizzard is facing an unprecedented crisis in these days. Although there are shareholders calling for the departure of Bobby Kotick and other executives, the CEO clings to his position. This situatuion, with the stock market plunge has taken on a new economic dimension, so we are likely to see more changes over the next few weeks.

Source: 3DJuegos

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