Fans Of Zack Snyder's Justice League Are Calling For A "Batfleck" Solo Movie With Renewed Enthusiasm - theGeek.games

Fans Of Zack Snyder’s Justice League Are Calling For A “Batfleck” Solo Movie With Renewed Enthusiasm

MOVIE NEWS – #MakeTheBatfleckMovie is trending again after the new Batman is released in cinemas.



Robert Pattinson may have cemented himself as the new fan favourite caped crusader with the release of Batman, but fans of ‘Batfleck’, aka Ben Affleck‘s Batman, haven’t given up on getting a solo movie for once. While there have been plenty of talks online about Batman and the cast’s portrayal – such as Pattinson as the new Bruce Wayne – the hashtags #MakeTheBatfleckMovie and #Batfleck are still trending on social media. It all comes from fans calling on Warner Bros to reunite Affleck with Zack Snyder to make the film.

“#TheBatman was great, solid 8/10. Runtime perfect for the story told bar a couple of scenes that could lose a min here and there. For me, #Battinson is very good but behind #Batfleck , perhaps even Bale. Enjoyed alot, but still #MakeTheBatfleckMovie and #RestoreTheSnyderVerse,” said one fan on Twitter.

Another tweet, shared by many others using the above hashtags, reads, “I enjoyed #TheBatman a lot. Robert Pattinson was great as the Dark Knight, his Bruce Wayne leaves something to be desired. The story was well written and seeing Batman solve a mystery was very enjoyable. Ben Affleck still takes the title as the best live action Batman #Batfleck.”

The account dedicated to his campaign also shared a screenshot of Zack Snyder liking a post supporting #MakeTheBatfleckMovie. He commented, “The boss knows.”

However, the good news for fans is that he wasn’t last seen in Justice League. In The Flash, the actor will return to don the hood again, after it was previously thought he never would again. He has previously spoken about how unfortunate his Justice League experience was for him. Although he is happy to return once again, this may be his last appearance as it looks like Michael Keaton will be taking over the role of Batman in the DCEU. In any case, Affleck feels that he has finally found the role after finishing The Flash, so he might be willing to do another film.

Source: Twitter

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